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Camp Picture

It’s never too early to start planning for summer camp! The Buffalo Grove Park District has a variety of summer camp games and activities that are sure to make your child’s experience a great one.

Session 1: June 16 – July 11 (no camp on July 4)

Session 2: July 14 – August 1

Post Summer Adventure (K- Grade 8): August 4 – 8

Online Registration

Information Letters

Coming closer to the start of camp.


Coming closer to the start of camp.


General Camp Handbook Performing Arts Camp Handbook

Camp Connection is a before- and after-camp program designed to accommodate working parents. Camp Connection will be managed like camp and will not just be free play. Activities will include sports, arts and crafts, indoor and outdoor games, and other fun summertime activities.

Camp Connection is only for campers who are enrolled in the Buffalo Grove Park District Camp programs and must be entering Kindergarten through 8th grade next fall.

The morning Camp Connection  Begins as early as 7 am and ends at the starting time of the camper’s individual camp. The afternoon Camp Connection will start when the camper’s individual camp ends and goes until 6 pm. Snack will be provided in the afternoon session only during Camp Connection. Any children with food allergies may bring their own snack each day.

The Park District will do everything possible to keep Camp Connection locations at each camp site. However, due to varying levels of enrollment, participants may have to be transported to another location. In these instances, transportation from the participant’s camp site to the Camp Connection location will be provided.

Camp Connection is a separate registration from camp. When you complete your camp registration, please indicate your interest in Camp Connection in the questions. When Camp Connection registration information is ready, it will be sent to those who indicated interest as well as updated on the website. Please note: There is a 2-day minimum per week. For more information, contact Shannon McClure at 847.850.2121 or

Grade: K – 8

Day Time 1st Session Fee 2nd Session Fee
Monday 7 am – Start of Camp $60 $45
Monday End of Camp – 6 pm $76 $57
Tuesday 7 am – Start of Camp $60 $45
Tuesday End of Camp – 6 pm $76 $57
Wednesday 7 am – Start of Camp $60 $45
Wednesday End of Camp – 6 pm $76 $57
Thursday 7 am – Start of Camp $60 $45
Thursday End of Camp – 6 pm $76 $57
Friday 7 am – Start of Camp $45 $45
Friday End of Camp – 6 pm $57 $57
Additional Days 7 am – Start of Camp $15 $15
Additional Days End of Camp – 6 pm $19 $19

Locations: To Be Determined

Registration Form Payment Agreement Form Pick Up Authorization Form Medication Authorization Form Post Summer Camp Field Trips

Once complete, return the forms to the Alcott Center.  Due to internet security precautions, the payment form is only accepted via fax, mail or in person.  Credit card information is not accepted via email.

Refund requests received on or before 1 week prior to the first day of the first session, and on or before 1 week prior to the first day of the second session will be issued, minus the nonrefundable $100 deposit, and a $5 administrative fee. Refund requests received after the above dates will only be issued when accompanied by a current doctor’s note. Refund requests for Post Summer Camp received on or before 1 week prior to the first day will receive a full refund, minus a $5 administrative fee. Refund requests after the first day will receive a 50% refund.

The Buffalo Grove Park District does not provide daily transportation to camp or home at the end of the day. Transportation to and from camp is the responsibility of each parent/guardian.


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