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Board Meeting Dates


January 20* Workshop/Meeting
February 10 Workshop
24 Workshop/Meeting
March 10 Workshop
24 Workshop/Meeting
April 21* Workshop/Meeting
May 12 Workshop
27** Workshop/Meeting
June 9 Workshop
23 Workshop/Meeting
July 14 Workshop/Special Meeting
28 Workshop/Meeting
August 18* Workshop/Meeting
September 8* Workshop/Meeting
October 13 Workshop
27 Workshop/Meeting
November 10 Workshop
24 Workshop/Meeting
December 15* Workshop/Meeting
*Indicates only one meeting that month.
**Indicates the meeting is on a Tuesday.

The Buffalo Grove Park District Board of Commissioners meets monthly to conduct the business affairs of the District. These meetings are held on Mondays at 6 pm at the Alcott Center, located at 530 Bernard Drive (specific dates are listed above). When the Board meets twice in a month, the first meeting functions as a Committee of the Whole. Committee of the Whole meetings permit in-depth study of items without interfering with the necessary business of the Board, which must be conducted each month. The Committee of the Whole also meets prior to the regularly scheduled Board meeting. From time to time, special meetings of the Board may be called to discuss special or emergency issues. Notice of all meetings (regularly scheduled, special, and committee) is in accordance with all provisions of the Illinois Open Meetings Act.

Staff Role

The Executive Director, Director of Recreation and Facilities, Director of Parks and Risk Management, Director of Business Services and Human Resources, Superintendent of Communications and Marketing, and other administrative staff regularly attend Board and Committee meetings to discuss agenda items with the Park Board. Other Park District staff attend the meetings at the request of the Executive Director or Park Board.

Addressing The Board

The Park Board, in its regular or special meetings, is a deliberative body assembled to make decisions on new and pending matters affecting the District. The Park Board invites both oral and written communications from residents. To facilitate the conduct of Park Board meetings, the following procedures will be followed:

  1. Persons or organizations wishing to have items placed on the agenda should notify the Executive Director by letter, telephone or use the request form link at the top of this page. Requests to be placed on the agenda must be received no later than 5 pm the Wednesday prior to the Park Board meeting.
  2. At the meeting, each speaker will, when recognized by the President, identify themselves by name and address.
  3. Questions are directed to the entire Park Board. A question may be accepted and answered at a later meeting and if so, the individual or organization posing the question will be notified of the date and time of the meeting.
  4. Non-scheduled agenda items will be limited to 5 minutes per person.
  5. Park Board members may, by addressing the President, interrupt a presenter to obtain further information.
  6. A Park Board meeting is not a forum for complaints against individual employees. Such matters are handled by sending a signed letter to the Executive Director explaining the situation.
  7. During presentations and discussion of agenda items, the President will not recognize speakers in the audience unless additional information is desired.
  8. Robert’s Rules of Order, as amended by the Park Board, is the recognized parliamentary authority of all Park Board Meetings.

The Board of Commissioners welcomes you, and sincerely appreciates your interest in the work of our Park District. Requests must be received no later than 5 p.m. on the Wednesday prior to the Board Meeting. Please fill out the following information and hit the submit button at the bottom of the page.

Agenda Request Form

Buffalo Grove Park District

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